Close Proximity Approvals

Close Proximity Ops

Need a proximity approval so you can get closer to the action?

Talk to our team and see how we can easily get you up and running with close proximity operations.

How to get up close and personal

FPV Australia was one of the first organisations to have procedures approved by CASA for Close Proximity approvals for it’s clients. This includes flights down to 1m from individuals, allowing for amazing imagery.

CASA have now recently released a Temporary Management Instruction (TMI) Document. This document describes the pathways drone operators can use for operations over or near people depending on what it is they want to do.

The three pathways are;

  • Pathway 1 – Operations Near People with Active Participant Consent in a Controlled Environment with a drone weighing less than 25kg
  • Pathway 2 – Unlikely to cause serious harm upon impact – maximum 15 joules (or 34 joules is sheltered, have informed consent)
  • Pathway 3 – (SORA) Specific Operational Risk Assessment required. RPAS Operations Over or Near People without Consent and greater than 15 joules

Securing approvals from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for close proximity operations with drones requires meticulous planning and adherence to safety standards. FPV Australia can assist with obtaining close proximity approvals.

FPV Australia can conduct a comprehensive safety assessment of the proposed close proximity operations. This involves identifying potential hazards, assessing risks, and developing strategies to mitigate them. We can help develop detailed operational procedures specific to close proximity operations. This includes outlining pre-flight checks, communication protocols, emergency procedures, and contingency plans.

FPV Australia can provide guidance on the selection and setup of appropriate equipment for close proximity operations. This may involve ensuring drones are equipped with collision avoidance technology, reliable communication systems, and redundant safety features.

What do you get?

We will prepare the necessary documentation for CASA approval. This includes completing application forms, submitting safety assessments, operational procedures, equipment specifications, and any other required documentation. FPV Australia will assist in communication between your organisation and CASA throughout the approval process. We can advise you on how to address any inquiries or concerns raised by CASA, and provide clarification as needed.

By leveraging FPV Australia’s expertise and support, you can streamline the process of obtaining close proximity approvals from CASA while prioritizing safety and regulatory compliance. It’s essential to work closely with FPV Australia and CASA throughout the process to ensure a successful outcome.

Money back guarantee that our procedures will be approved, and we will work closely with you and CASA to ensure a smooth transition to approval

Frequently Asked Questions

Close Proximity approvals will involve updates to your manuals and procedures.

The actual approval process will require a full submission to CASA to have procedures assessed and approved.

The approval is a blanket type approval that allows you to complete operations without further applications (outside of restricted operational airspaces)

CASA are currently running on about an 8 week turnaround.

FPV Australia’s Close Prox Application will vary depending on the pathway you choose.

Prices start from $2890

This entire process can usually be completed via email etc.

There is no specific flight training for this type of approval.

You should ensure however that any pilot undertaking close proximity operations is competent to be able to operate an RPA with precision, which may take considerably practice.

In short yes – But you will need to operate within the restrictions of your particular approval.

A Quality Drone Organisation

With over 17 years in the business and thousands of customers both nationwide & internationally, you can’t go wrong with Australia’s longest running drone licence training provider.

Don’t settle for run of the mill drone service. We pride ourselves on 100% customer satisfaction, and we go out of our way to ensure you are completely happy with the services you have been provided.  We guarantee it.

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