Best Practice Training

This course is for an existing Chief Remote Pilot (CRP) to understand they obligations and responsibilities when operating under a Remote Operators Certificate, including understanding compliance against Part 101 Manual of Standards

Are you a Chief Remote Pilot?

Chief Remote Pilot Compliance Training

Do you have a complete understanding of the new Part 101 Manual of Standards?

On April 10 2020, the new Part 101 Manual of Standards for Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets became active. This new Manual of Standards, better know as the MoS, has a whole bunch of new rules, requirements and responsibilities that all CRPs should be aware of. This course will take you through what is required by CASA for all ReOC holders in order to remain compliant with the regulations.

This course is run in our online FPV Learning Platform, and will supply you with all the necessary education and information when it comes to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Remote Pilot. It can be completed in your own time, and is presented by our own Chief Remote Pilot, and Chief Instructor, John Fleming

How is it Delivered?

This training is online and self paced. You can complete in the comfort of your home or office, and your subscription lasts a lifetime. We will be updating and adding data to this course constantly, and you will get access to new material for free. Like anything at FPV Australia, you only pay once.

The training is delivered by John Fleming, our own Chief Instructor and Chief Pilot. Full video lectures covering everything you need to know about being a CRP.

AVCRM Training Included

Any new and existing CRPs that are running the AVCRM, and enrol in this course, will be given access to our AVCRM training sessions for free, where you will receive training on AVCRM, and it’s uses in keeping you compliant. Yes, AVCRM will do everything required to keep a Remote Operator’s Certificate compliant with CASA, including pilot’s Logs, Maintenance Logs, Job Safety Assessments, Inductions, and a whole bunch of other good stuff, that all falls in line with the new Part 101 MoS.

Below is a sample video from the training, to give you an idea of what it looks like.

The cost of this training is $399, and is completed online in your own time.

You will get access to more than 18 modules of topics, covering everything you need to know to sit in the role of Chief Remote Pilot.   The course consists of stepping you through all the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Remote Pilot, and all of the new requirements under the Part 101 MoS.  AVCRM training will also be offered as part of this course.  As a subscriber to this course, and if you subscribe to AVCRM, they have offered you an additional training session, in case you need some help with their platform.

Some of the content includes;

  • ReOC Structure and Reporting Lines
  • Roles and Responsibilities within the ReOC
  • Pilot inductions
  • Night Flight Requirements
  • Understanding CASA Regulation hierarchy
  • Understanding Where the Regulatory Framework is Located
  • Understanding the Regulations
  • Understanding Aviation Publications (ERSA, PRD etc)
  • Airspaces and their Differing Regulations
  • Regulations Surrounded Controlled Aerodromes
  • Regulations Surrounding Non Controlled Aerodromes
  • Tethered Operations
  • Job Safety Assessments
  • Risk Assessments

The training is conducted from the comfort of your favourite chair.  FPV Australia’s Virtual Classroom allows you to train from home, the office, beside the pool, or wherever you feel comfortable.  The entire program is run from our online FPV Learning Platform.

Click the button below to jump into our online store and sign up for this course.

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