BVLOS Approvals


Need BVLOS approvals to operate your drone beyond visual line of sight?

Talk to our team and see how we can easily get you up and running for long range operations.

Going Beyond Line of Sight

FPV Australia’s expertise in Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drone operations is a valuable resource in navigating the process of obtaining BVLOS approvals in Australia. FPV Australia has a deep understanding of the regulatory framework governing drone operations in Australia. This knowledge is crucial for ensuring compliance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulations, especially concerning BVLOS flights, which have strict requirements.

With hands-on experience with the practical aspects of BVLOS operations, FPV Australia can help streamline the approval process by anticipating challenges and addressing them proactively. We offer tailored solutions that align with your specific needs and operational requirements. This might include developing BVLOS operations plans, risk assessments, and safety protocols optimised for BVLOS drones.

We even guarantee it.

What do you get?

Obtaining BVLOS approvals typically requires extensive documentation, including risk assessments, operational procedures, and safety management plans. FPV Australia will assist in preparing and organising these documents to meet CASA’s requirements.

We offers training programs to educate drone operators on BVLOS operations including self-paced study material relevant to the new BVLOS OCTA standard.

You will get full mentoring from our expert staff, to ensure you have a complete understanding of what, who, where and why.

Money back guarantee that our procedures will be approved, and we will work closely with you and CASA to ensure a smooth transition to approval

Frequently Asked Questions

BVLOS approvals involve changes to your manuals to include the relevant procedures and concept of operations. BVLOS flight approvals are currently issued on a “per-flight” basis and require an separate submission for each operation.

Getting the initial concept of operations documents and procedures into your manual should not take long.  

That said, it will certainly depend on how complex your operation is.  Please be prepared for months not weeks in gaining final CASA approval.

Again, this will depend on the complexity level of your operations, and to quote prices here would be irresponsible.  Each operation will need careful consideration.  

Reach out to discuss your needs, and we can take it from there.

Most of this process is done via email etc.

The upcoming BVLOS OCTA rating will require a flight test that will need to be booked and arranged with CASA.

Yes you can.  FPV Australia provides online self-paced training modules to assist students to sit the BVLOS OCTA examination.
No. Current rules require a separate approval for each BVLOS operation.

A Quality Drone Organisation

With over 17 years in the business and thousands of customers both nationwide & internationally, you can’t go wrong with Australia’s longest running drone licence training provider.

Don’t settle for run of the mill drone service. We pride ourselves on 100% customer satisfaction, and we go out of our way to ensure you are completely happy with the services you have been provided.  We guarantee it.

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