ReOC Applications and Variations

EVLOS Approvals

Looking to fly Beyond Visual?  Don’t know if you need EVLOS or BVLOS?

We, at FPV Australia can help.  You may find it is easier than you  think.

How can we help you?

At FPV Australia, our mission is to support Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) operators in navigating the complex regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance while maximizing operational capabilities. One of the significant challenges faced by RPAS operators in Australia is obtaining Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) approvals from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), particularly EVLOS Class 1 and EVLOS Class 2 approvals. These approvals are crucial for expanding the range of operations and unlocking new opportunities in various industries such as agriculture, infrastructure inspection, and emergency services.

We find that most organisations that think they need a BVLOS approval, in fact, only need an EVLOS Class 1 or EVLOS Class 2 approval, in order to complete their missions.  It even allows for the use of Goggles.

EVLOS Consists of 2 levels of approvals. EVLOS Class 1 and EVLOS Class 2. The main difference is where your trained observer is located. In EVLOS Class 1, the trained observer is located at the same place as the pilot and can communicate verbally to the pilot directly. This enables things like FPV Goggles etc, and allows the drone to get out to 1.5kms from the pilot.

EVLOS Class 2 is where the trained observer is not located in the same place as the pilot, and is in communication with the pilot via a radio or other comms, to enable the craft to be flown much further away. (More than 1.5kms with a forward placed observer) However, CASA will require an onsite visit to assess you in performing an EVLOS Class 2 Operation. This is not a requirement for EVLOS Class 1.

We understand that obtaining these approvals requires a meticulous approach that encompasses not only technical expertise but also a deep understanding of CASA regulations and requirements. Our team at FPV Australia comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the RPAS industry, and who are well-versed in the intricacies of regulatory compliance.

To assist ReOC holders in obtaining either EVLOS approvals, we offer comprehensive consultation services tailored to the specific needs and operational context of each client. This involves the development of customized practices and procedures necessary to achieve EVLOS Class 1 and EVLOS Class 2 approvals, including the preparation of required documentation, conducting risk assessments, and implementing necessary operational changes.

Moreover, we can provide hands-on training and support to ensure that ReOC holders have the requisite skills and knowledge to operate these missions safely and effectively. This includes training on advanced flight planning techniques, situational awareness, and contingency procedures to mitigate potential risks associated with EVLOS operations. Additionally, we offer ongoing support and guidance throughout the approval process, including liaising with CASA on behalf of our clients to address any queries or concerns that may arise.

Our approach is characterized by transparency, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence, ensuring that ReOC holders not only obtain their approvals, but also have the confidence and capability to conduct their operations in a manner that complies with regulatory requirements and prioritizes safety above all else. With FPV Australia as their trusted partner, RPAS operators can unlock the full potential of EVLOS technology and harness its transformative power to drive innovation and efficiency across a wide range of industries.

Fill in the form below, and talk to someone who can take the confusion out of what should be a relatively easy pathway forward.

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